F10 fintech Hackathon 2019: Reimagine Data Analytics in Fintech

F10 is a Zurich based FinTech Incubator and Accelerator which supports and guides Startups in transforming their ideas into successful companies while stimulating worldwide collaboration with international finance organizations.

For this years f10 fintech hackathon 2019, we were faced with four challenges to choose from, and the one we wanted to tackle was reinventing The Way We Visualize And Display Financial Data (by Six).

Our team felt that in the retail investor space, there was a high level of barrier to entry, especially due to the difficulty of tools that were used. Hence, we wanted to create a data analytics platform for the amatuer retail investor. We believe that access to data analytics for retail investing should not only be at your fingertips, it shld be for everyone.

Over the course of 48 hours, we put together our web app, focused on being lightweoght and intuity. We did it using a React front end, with ExpressJs backend, hosting it on GCP. Although we did not win the hackathon, it was an enlightening experience. I really enjoyed embarking on such an interesting project.

our finished prototype: link to demo can be found here

Team: consisting of James, Derrick, me and Phong(A finance analyst from HSBC Vietnam)