NYC exchange: A Global Experience

On the summer of 2018, I was given the opportunity to go on an exchange to the Stevens Institute of technology. The exchange was on Data Anlaytics and Visualisation in R and Tableau. We were also given the opportunity to use text mining softwares such as such as SAS.

There was also a lot of fun being in NYC during the summer. As the weather was good, it gave us ample chances to wander the alleys of New York City. We even managed to catch the Macy’s fireworks on the 4th of July!

Towards the end, we were required to submit tableau Workbooks, which contain our interpretation of the raw data for baseball players. Due to the huge amount of missing data, and the difficulty to interpret. A huge amount of time was spent cleaning the data, and it was my first experience with dealing with data of such large quantity. This really gave me the opportunity to hone my skills in R, using different packages along with pipelining to efficiently clean the data. We also made use of some of the visualization packages in R such as plotting the spider plot.

The exchange was a fun and educational one. Setting foot onnyc The Big Apple has always been a desire of mine, and I am glad it has finally been fulfilled.

Till next Time, I will be Back!